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Name (German, Latin) Decoration Information
Ghost (Geist, -) Halloween 2011: Reward for solving a riddle.
It can be placed in the Atrium.
Flowerpots (Blumentöpfe, -)
St. Patrick's Day 2012: Reward for raising St. Patty's Treasure.
They can be placed in the Atrium or in the Wintergarden.

Weitere Blumentöpfe bringt der Paketbote, wenn der Pflanzenbestand wächst. Im Begleitschreiben lesen wir:
"Als Ergänzung zu deiner wachsenden Blumensammlung schenke ich dir einen weiteren Blumentopf. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Hairy Potter"
Flowerpots (Blumentöpfe, -) Easter 2012: 3 Flowerpots as a reward for finding Easter eggs.
Easter nest (Osternest, -) Easter 2012: Reward for finding Easter eggs.
Oven (Ofen,-) May 2012: Reward for sacrificing any flower during Walpurga's Event
(The flower had to be returned to the Wild Garden, i.e. abandoned, not killed).
It is the heater for the Wintergarden.
Wild Man (Schrat, -) Halloween 2012: Reward for solving a riddle.

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en/decorations.1383374531.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/28 06:41 (external edit)