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Easter 2014

Time: 11st April- 24th April
Easter eggs are able to be bred and collected during this time.
Easter Eggs Hunt Time:18th April-21st April
This year's event is like the one in last year. You need to find and collect decorated Easter eggs on various pages of Flowergame. The types of eggs shown are random. Whenever you find an egg, "*Hey, a hidden egg!You have found x eggs so far*" will appear on the page.
For the fifth egg, you will receive a message from the postpixie with a package containing one easter egg of this year and a pot.
For the tenth egg, you will receive another package from the postpixie with a decoration for Atrium and another pot.(1)
For the fifteenth egg,you will receive the last package from the postpixie. It contains a decoration for Wintergarden and an Easter basket for Atrium.
For the sixteenth egg, a message "Hey, another hidden egg!Looks like this was the last one." will show up.No reward will be given this time and it only confirm the end of your Easter eggs hunting.

Notes:(1)This is claimed that only new users who missed previous events will receive this package. Users who participated in last year's event have already had those decorations so will not receive it again.

At the beginning of the event, one of the decorations was missed so was replaced by a place holder at first.
en/easter_egg_hunt_2014.1400849512.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/12/28 06:41 (external edit)